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Green Projects 

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The potato produces more calories and protein than any other food crop in terms of space and amount of time, and it is the fifth most grown crop in the world. The potato plant often goes unnoticed, despite being a colossal by-product of worldwide potato harvesting. Fibe is revolutionising the industry by utilising cutting-edge technology to extract cellulosic fibres from potato harvest waste to provide 100% of global non-synthetic clothing demand.

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'Gari Ecologico'

Welcome to Gari Ecologico, where unwavering dedication lies in the positive metamorphosis of our planet. With innovative practices and steadfast commitment to sustainability, Gari Ecologico is actively shaping a future that is greener and healthier for all. by using groundbreaking technology designed to give a second life to used plastic bottle and creating day to day necessities such as brooms. Join Gari Ecologico in their journey to preserve the environment.

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'Moving Pigment'

‘Moving Pigment’ aims to scale up and automate the process of co-designing textile patterns with pigment-producing bacteria. Bacteria dye has many environmentally friendly advantages, including far lower water usage and no use of harmful chemicals. Placing this method within the industry’s context is desirable and necessary to provide an alternative to the destructive status quo. Click below to find out more.

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'Solar Blanket'

'Solar Blanket' is a heated blanket that is powered by the sun. It uses solar power to generate electricity and saves energy by directing heat toward the user. It isolates the warmth in their immediate space and avoids wasting energy on heating up an entire room. The included solar panel works in most weather conditions and can be used to charge a portable power bank which then can power the blanket. Click below to find out more.

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